The Value of Therapy Assistants

View of our therapy centre with a pretend play set up of a bakery and a shopping centre.
Our Allied Health Assistants are a vital part of our inclusive therapy play space.

Enhancing Learning was intentionally built around a Therapy Assistant model.

As a fusion between therapy and education, it was important to acknowledge the educational model where Education Assistants (EAs) provide essential supports for children developing and learning differently. The resources our Therapy Assistants bring with them from their own lived experiences complement and nurture the different style of therapy centre we wanted to create.

Side note: I'm using the less clumsy term Therapy Assistant rather than the current title Allied Health Assistant - it's easier to read and more relatable for families. I would really prefer to use our term Enhancing Learning Practitioner as it better captures the skill and roles of our assistants.

So, why are we so passionate about Therapy Assistant roles in therapy services?

In the Enhancing Learning context therapy looks quite different to more traditional approaches. Using an Assistant model has allowed us to;

  • move away from a traditional 45 minute 'therapist' appointment mindset,
  • be responsive to meeting the family where they are at on the day,
  • create a nurturing team around the family with reduced impact if a team member is unwell or on leave,
  • let our centre environment be a critical part of the therapy support process,
  • be respectful of a child's work, play, rest cycle - acknowledging that the repetitive play and moments of non-engagement with others are paramount to learning and regulation,
  • expand our therapists and educators capacity to problem solve, deeply reflect with parents, design and test environment and routine accomodations,
  • offer inclusive play and learning experiences responsive to the child's preference - away from others, alongside others or aligned with others,
  • allows us to offer emergency access and/or intensive supports for our families on an 'as needs' basis.

These are just some of the impacts that valuing the role of Therapy Assistants can have within therapy services.

Are you an Allied Health Professional interested in implementing or expanding an AHA model of service delivery?

Become a member of our Allied Health Assistant Resources tier to access webinars and workbooks to develop your AHA model. Access more information about these resources here.